Our 2014 Toyota Rav4 EV

Our  2014 Toyota Rav4 EV

Saturday, January 25, 2014

I took a peak online to see where other folks had put their California Carpool Stickers and decided to go with these two places.


  1. Hi Todd, best of luck with your new Rav4 Ev! Our ActiveE lease is over on March 10th so our 2012 Rav4 EV will be our family's one and only as well.

    1. Airton: Thank You! We were really looking forward to the i3 but financially this turned out to be the best way to go at the moment. Loving the Rav4 EV so far despite the fact Toyota appears to not be a big fan themselves of electric vehicles.

  2. Great color! I got my stickers quite a while back but since I very rarely drive on HOV sections of the highway I've kept the stickers in glove compartment. But I like your placement. FYI: I got mine in May 2013. 9300 miles and so far so good. Not lovin Toyota but love the car!

    Steve Noctor - snoltor

    1. Hi Steve, Thank You! Glad to hear you're racking up miles trouble free so far. We're almost to our first 1000.
